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Determine if mxArray represents data as double-precision, floating-point numbers

C Syntax


   Pointer to an mxArray.


Logical 1 (true) if the mxArray stores its data as double-precision, floating-point numbers, and logical 0 (false) otherwise.


Call mxIsDouble to determine whether or not the specified mxArray represents its real and imaginary data as double-precision, floating-point numbers.

Older versions of MATLAB store all mxArray data as double-precision, floating-point numbers. However, starting with MATLAB version 5, MATLAB can store real and imaginary data in a variety of numerical formats.

Calling mxIsDouble is equivalent to calling


See findnz.c, fulltosparse.c, timestwo.c, and xtimesy.c in the refbook subdirectory of the examples directory.

For additional examples, see mexget.c, mexlock.c, mexsettrapflag.c, and yprime.c in the mex subdirectory of the examples directory; see mxcalcsinglesubscript.c, mxgeteps.c, mxgetinf.c, and mxisfinite.c in the mx subdirectory of the examples directory.

See Also

mxIsClass, mxGetClassID

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