Creating Graphical User Interfaces Previous page   Next Page

Programming GUIs

Understanding the GUI M-File
The GUI M-file programs the GUI. This section describes the functioning of the GUI M-file, both the generated and user-written code.
Programming Callbacks for GUI Components
Explains how to program the callbacks for some specific GUI components.
Managing GUI Data with the Handles Structure
For GUIDE users, the handles structure provides easy access to all component handles in the GUI. In addition, you can use this structure to store all shared data required by your GUI.
Managing Application Data
Application data enables you to save and retrieve named data associated with an object.
Designing for Cross-Platform Compatibility
Discusses the settings (used by default with GUIDE) that enable you to make your GUI look good on different computer platforms.
Types of Callbacks
Shows you how to define callbacks. This section discusses the types available and their applications.
Interrupting Executing Callbacks
Describes how you can control whether user actions can interrupt executing callbacks.
Controlling Figure Window Behavior
Discusses how a GUI figure can block MATLAB execution and can be modal.
Example: Using the Modal Dialog to Confirm an Operation
Illustrates use of a modal dialog GUI to confirm that the user wants to proceed with an operation.

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