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Printing the Command History Window

To print the contents of the Command History window, select File -> Print. Specify options for printing by selecting File -> Page Setup. For example, you can print the history with a header. For more information, see Printing and Page Setup Options for Desktop Tools.

The printed version is sized to fit the page. If there is a long statement in the Command History, the reduced page size might be difficult to read. As a workaround, consider removing any extremely long statements from the Command History before printing it.

Deleting Entries from the Command History Window

Delete entries from the Command History window when you feel there are too many and it becomes inconvenient to find the ones you want. All entries remain until you delete them or until the history.m file exceeds its maximum size, when MATLAB automatically deletes the oldest entries.

To delete entries in the Command History window, first select the entries to delete, using one of these methods:

Then right-click and select Delete selection from the context menu, or press the Delete key. A confirmation dialog box might appear; see preferences for Confirmation Dialogs for more information.

To delete all entries, select Edit -> Clear Command History, or select Clear Entire History from the context menu.

After deleting entries from the Command History window, you will not be able to recall those statements in the Command Window as described in Recalling Previous Lines.

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