Desktop Tools and Development Environment Previous page   Next Page


The toolbar in the desktop provides easy access to frequently used operations. Position the cursor over a button for a second or two and a tooltip appears that describes the item.

Image of desktop toolbar, with brief descriptions for each toolbar button and field.

Some tools also have their own toolbars, which are located within the tool's own window. For example, the Current Directory browser has its own toolbar. When you undock one of these tools, the undocked tool includes the toolbar.

To hide a toolbar, or to show it again after hiding it, use the appropriate toolbar item in the Desktop menu. For figure windows, use the toolbar item in its View menu.

Current Directory Field

The current directory field in the desktop toolbar shows the MATLAB current working directory. You can change the current directory using this field and any of these methods:

The same current directory field also appears in the Current Directory browser when the Current Directory browser is undocked from the desktop. Use the Current Directory browser to perform many additional file operations. For more information, see File Management Operations.

Image of current directory field in desktop toolbar, showing the drop-down list of previously used current directories.

Status Bar

Along the bottom of the desktop is the status bar. It displays messages, such as when MATLAB is busy executing statements or when the Profiler is on. Some tools, such as the Editor/Debugger, display additional status information, such as the current line number. Not all status information appears on the status bar--many MATLAB functions and tools provide status information that is not reported to the status bar.

You can construct your own functions to provide status information. See the timer function, and search for other specific terms describing the status of interest.

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