Desktop Tools and Development Environment |
Closing the Editor/Debugger
To close the Editor/Debugger, click the Close box in the title bar of the Editor/Debugger. This is different from the Close box in the menu bar of the Editor/Debugger, which closes the current file when multiple files are open in a single window.
If multiple files are open, with each in a separate window, close each window separately. To close all files at once, select Close All Documents from the Window menu. Note that this will close other desktop documents as well, such as arrays in the Array Editor, and it will close the tools as well, that is, the Editor/Debugger and Array Editor, for example.
When you close the Editor/Debugger and any of the open files have unsaved changes, you are prompted to save the files.
Creating and Editing Other Text File Types | Creating, Editing, and Running Files |
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