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Opening a Selection in an M-File

You can open a subfunction, function, file, variable, or Simulink model from within a file in the Editor/Debugger. Position the cursor in the name and then right-click and select Open Selection from the context menu. Based on what the selection is, the Editor/Debugger performs a different action.

Cursor moves to the subfunction within the current M-file. If no subfunction by that name is found in the current M-file, the Editor/Debugger runs the open function on the selection, which opens the selection in the appropriate tool, as shown for the other selection types in this table.
M-file or other text file
Opens in the Editor/Debugger.
Figure file (.fig)
Opens in a figure window.
Opens in the Array Editor.
Opens in Simulink.
If the selection is some other type, Open selection looks for a matching file in a private directory in the current directory and performs the appropriate action.

After selecting a name, you can also choose Help on Selection from the context menu to see documentation for the item. For example, select a function, right-click and select Help on Selection. The reference page for that function opens in the Help browser, or if the reference page does not exist, the M-file help appears.

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