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Opening the Editor Without Starting MATLAB

On Windows platforms, you can use the editing features of the MATLAB Editor/Debugger without starting MATLAB. This is beneficial when you only want to view or edit files, but do not want to check out a MATLAB license. There are limitations, as noted below.

When you open the MATLAB Editor/Debugger without starting MATLAB, the Editor/Debugger is a stand-alone (or standalone) application and is called the MATLAB stand-alone Editor. The application name for the stand-alone Editor is meditor.exe.

To start the MATLAB stand-alone Editor, double-click an M-file. By default, this opens the M-file in the stand-alone Editor. You can associate other file types to open in the stand-alone Editor, or you can change the file association so that double-clicking an M-file starts MATLAB instead of the stand-alone Editor--see Starting MATLAB from an M-File or Other File Type.

With the MATLAB stand-alone Editor, you can use the editing features as described in Creating, Editing, and Running Files. You can open the Help browser for MATLAB documentation, including help for Editor features--select Help -> Using the M-File Editor.


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The tool remains a stand-alone application, even if you subsequently open MATLAB. If you subsequently open MATLAB and want to edit the file you have open in the stand-alone Editor, close the stand-alone Editor and then open the file in the MATLAB Editor/Debugger.

Arranging Editor/Debugger Documents

You can arrange the size and location of M-files and other text documents you open in the Editor/Debugger. Editor/Debugger documents follow the same arrangement practices as other desktop documents. For details, see Opening and Arranging Documents.

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