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Editing and Debugging M-Files

MATLAB provides powerful tools for creating, editing, and debugging files, as detailed here. For information about the MATLAB language and writing M-files, see the MATLAB Programming documentation.
Begin with Existing Code

Before you begin writing MATLAB programs, consider starting with existing code, and then modifying that code using the MATLAB Editor/Debugger. Code resources include your own Command Window and History, and existing M-files, demos, and examples.

Ways to Edit and Debug M-Files
You can use the MATLAB Editor/Debugger with MATLAB, use the MATLAB stand-alone Editor without running MATLAB, use another editor you already have, and use debugging functions in the Command Window. In the Editor/Debugger, you can edit M-files as well as other file types.
Starting, Customizing, and Closing the Editor/Debugger
Create new files, open existing files, open files without starting MATLAB, arrange document windows, and set preferences.
Creating, Editing, and Running Files
Control the appearance of files during editing, navigate in files, run M-files, and save, print, and close files.
Debugging M-Files
Find errors and use debugging features.
Rapid Code Iteration Using Cells
Readily experiment with changes to your M-files by modifying and running sections of the files, called cells, and by incrementally modifying values.

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