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Moving Documents and Tools Out of the Desktop (Undocking)

You can undock tools from the desktop (which includes all the documents within it), undock documents from their tools in the desktop, and undock documents from undocked tools. To undock, select the undock arrow for the item from the item's title bar, or use the Undock items from the Desktop menu when the tool is active.

The tool or document moves outside of the desktop and an entry for it appears in the Windows task bar, or the equivalent for your platform. Each type of document has a unique icon in the task bar entry.

If you undock every document from a tool, that tool remains open but "empty."

Docking Documents and Tools

To dock a tool, click the dock arrow in the tool's menu bar. If you dock a tool that includes documents, for example the Editor/Debugger and its files, the tool and the documents in the tool move into the desktop.

If a document is outside of its tool, click the dock arrow in the document's menu bar, or select Desktop -> Dock Documentname to move the document into the tool.

To dock all of the documents for a tool together outside of the desktop, dock them all in the desktop, then undock the tool.

Use the document bar in the tool to access documents.

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