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Help Fonts Preferences--Specifying Font Name, Style, and Size

You can specify the font name (also called font type or family), style, and size used in the Help Navigator.

For the display pane, you can specify the font name and size for the proportional (noncode) text, but your changes do not impact the style. For the code text, your changes to size apply, but changes to name and style have no impact. The following example shows the results of specifying Comic Sans MS, bold, 14 point text.

Image of Help browser showing example of font preference changes.

Use the same method as you would to specify fonts for any desktop tool--for more information, see Fonts Preferences for Desktop Tools. By default, the Help Navigator uses the desktop text font. The display pane is considered to be an HTML Proportional Text tool, and by default, uses the desktop text font.

This example changes the display pane font:

  1. Select File -> Preferences -> Fonts -> Custom.
  2. From the Desktop tools list, select HTML Proportional Text. The Help browser display pane is considered to be an HTML Proportional Text tool, as is the MATLAB Web browser. Changing the font preference affects both tools.
  3. For Font to Use, select Custom, then specify the font characteristics:
  1. After you make a selection, the Sample area shows how the font will look.

  1. Click OK. The Help display pane fonts use the new settings. The MATLAB Web browser fonts will also use the new settings.

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