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Exchanging Data with the Command Window

You can copy data from the Array Editor and paste it into the Command Window. You can also copy a value from the Command Window and paste it into an element in the Array Editor. Be sure the data types are compatible. For example, you cannot paste text from the Command Window into a numeric array in the Array Editor.

Exchanging Data with Excel

You can cut or copy cells from Microsoft Excel and paste them into the Array Editor. You can also cut or copy elements from the Array Editor and paste them into Excel.

Be sure the data types are compatible. For example, you cannot paste text from Excel into a numeric array in the Array Editor.

Creating Graphs and Variables from the Current Selection

You can create graphs and new variables from the Array Editor. To create a graph, select a cell, row, or column, and in the right-click context menu, choose the graph type. To create a new variable, select a cell, row, or column in the Array Editor, right-click, and from the context menu, select Create Variable from Selection.

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