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This book uses many examples to show how to write C and Fortran MEX-files. You can get the most recent versions of these examples from the ZIP file http://www.mathworks.com/access/pub/docexamples/apiguide/R12.zip.

Examples from the Text

The refbook subdirectory in the extern/examples directory contains the MEX-file examples (C and Fortran) that are used in this book, External Interfaces.

MEX Reference Examples

The mex subdirectory of /extern/examples directory contains MEX-file examples. It includes the examples described in the online External Interfaces/API reference pages for MEX interface functions (the functions beginning with the mex prefix).

MX Examples

The mx subdirectory of extern/examples contains examples for using the array access functions. Although you can use these functions in stand-alone programs, most of these are MEX-file examples. The exception is mxSetAllocFcns.c, since this function is available only to stand-alone programs.

Engine and MAT Examples

The eng_mat subdirectory in the extern/examples directory contains the MEX-file examples (C and Fortran) for using the MATLAB engine facility, as well as examples for reading and writing MATLAB data files (MAT-files). These examples are all stand-alone programs.

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