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Data Import and Export

See what MATLAB offers in the way of import and export facilities for various data formats.
Using the Import Wizard
Import many types of binary data using this GUI-based interface.
Supported File Formats
View the list of file formats and file extensions supported for MATLAB import and export along with the functions used with each type.
Saving and Loading MAT-Files
Save data from your MATLAB session in a MAT-file, a binary data file designed specifically for MATLAB data.
Accessing Files with Memory-Mapping
Get faster, more efficient file I/O for very large files by accessing files on disk via pointers in memory.
Importing Text Data
Import ASCII text data into MATLAB using the Import Wizard and import functions.
Exporting Text Data
Export ASCII text data to MAT-files.
Working with Graphics Files
Import and export images stored in many different types of graphics files.
Working with Audio and Video Data
Import and export audio and video data.
Working with Spreadsheets
Interact with Microsoft Excel and Lotus 123 spreadsheets.
Working with Scientific Data Formats
Access data stored in scientific formats such as HDF4, HDF5, CDF, FITS, and multiband.
Importing HDF4 and HDF-EOS Data
Access data stored in the HDF4 and HDF-EOS scientific formats using the MATLAB low-level command line interface.
Exporting MATLAB Data to an HDF4 File
Export data from the MATLAB workspace into a file in the HDF4 scientific format using the MATLAB low-level command line interface.
Using Low-Level File I/O Functions
Use the MATLAB low-level file I/O functions, such as fopen, fread, and fwrite.
Exchanging Files over the Internet
Exchange files over the Internet with MATLAB URL, zip, and e-mail functions.

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