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Return information about CDF file



info = cdfinfo(file) returns information about the Common Data Format (CDF) file specified in the string file.

The return value, info, is a structure that contains the fields listed alphabetically in the following table.


Text string indicating the date the file was last modified
Text string specifying the name of the file
Structure array containing library settings used to create the file
Double scalar specifying the size of the file, in bytes
Text string specifying the file format
Text string specifying the version of the CDF library used to create the file
Structure array that contains one field for each global attribute. The name of each field corresponds to the name of an attribute. The data in each field, contained in a cell array, represents the entry values for that attribute.
Filenames containing the CDF file's data, if it is a multifile CDF
Structure array that contains one field for each variable attribute. The name of each field corresponds to the name of an attribute. The data in each field is contained in a n-by-2 cell array, where n is the number of variables. The first column of this cell array contains the variable names associated with the entries. The second column contains the entry values.
N-by-6 cell array, where N is the number of variables, containing information about the variables in the file. The columns present the following information:

Column 1
Text string specifying name of variable

Column 2
Double array specifying the dimensions of the variable, as returned by the size function

Column 3
Double scalar specifying the number of records assigned for the variable

Column 4
Text string specifying the data type of the variable, as stored in the CDF file

Column 5

Text string specifying the record and dimension variance settings for the variable. The single T or F to the left of the slash designates whether values vary by record. The zero or more T or F letters to the right of the slash designate whether values vary at each dimension. Here are some examples.

  • T/      (scalar variable
    F/T     (one-dimensional variable)
   T/TFF   (three-dimensional variable)

Column 6

Text string specifying the sparsity of the variable's records, with these possible values:

'Sparse (padded)'
'Sparse (nearest)'


See Also


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