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Histogram count



n = histc(x,edges) counts the number of values in vector x that fall between the elements in the edges vector (which must contain monotonically nondecreasing values). n is a length(edges) vector containing these counts.

n(k) counts the value x(i) if edges(k) <= x(i) < edges(k+1). The last bin counts any values of x that match edges(end). Values outside the values in edges are not counted. Use -inf and inf in edges to include all non-NaN values.

For matrices, histc(x,edges) returns a matrix of column histogram counts. For N-D arrays, histc(x,edges) operates along the first nonsingleton dimension.

n = histc(x,edges,dim) operates along the dimension dim.

[n,bin] = histc(...) also returns an index matrix bin. If x is a vector, n(k) = sum(bin==k). bin is zero for out of range values. If x is an M-by-N matrix, then

To plot the histogram, use the bar command.

See Also


Specialized Plotting for related functions

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