MATLAB Function Reference |
Determine if input is numeric array
tf = isnumeric(A)
returns logical 1
) if A
is a numeric array and logical 0
) otherwise. For example, sparse arrays and double-precision arrays are numeric, while strings, cell arrays, and structure arrays and logicals are not.
Given the following cell array,
C{1,1} = pi; % double C{1,2} = 'John Doe'; % char array C{1,3} = 2 + 4i; % complex double C{1,4} = ispc; % logical C{1,5} = magic(3) % double array C = [3.1416] 'John Doe' [2.0000+ 4.0000i] [1] [3x3 double]
shows that all but C{1,2}
and C{1,4}
are numeric arrays.
See Also
, isnan
, isreal
, isprime
, isfinite
, isinf
, isa
, is*
isnan | isobject |
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