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Call Perl script using appropriate operating system executable



perl('perlfile') calls the Perl script perlfile, using the appropriate operating system Perl executable. Perl is included with MATLAB, so MATLAB users can run M-files containing the perl function.

perl('perlfile',arg1,arg2,...) calls the Perl script perlfile, using the appropriate operating system Perl executable, and passes the arguments arg1, arg2, and so on, to perlfile.

result = perl(...) returns the results of attempted Perl call to result.


Given the Perl script,

run the following statement in MATLAB

MATLAB returns

It is sometimes beneficial to use Perl scripts instead of MATLAB code. The perl function allows you to run those scripts from within MATLAB. Specific examples where you might choose to use a Perl script include

See Also

! (exclamation point), dos, regexp, system, unix

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