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Display standard dialog box for selecting a directory



uigetdir displays a dialog box enabling the user to browse through the directory structure and select a directory.

directory_name = uigetdir opens a dialog box in the current directory displaying the default title.

directory_name = uigetdir('start_path') opens a dialog box in the directory specified by start_path.

directory_name = uigetdir('start_path','dialog_title') opens a dialog box with the specified title.

directory_name = uigetdir('start_path','dialog_title',x,y) positions the dialog box at position [x,y], where x and y are the distance in pixel units from the left and top edges of the screen. This feature is only supported on UNIX platforms.


Returned directory_name

directory_name is a string containing the path to the directory selected in the dialog box. If the user presses the Cancel button or closes the dialog window, directory_name is returned as the number 0.

Specifying start_path

start_path specifies the directory to display when the dialog is first opened. If start_path is a string representing a valid directory path, the dialog box opens in the specified directory.

If start_path is an empty string (''), the dialog box opens in the current working directory.

If start_path is not a valid directory path, the dialog box opens in the base directory:

Specifying dialog_title

The placement of dialog_title in the dialog box depends on the computer system:

If you do not specify the dialog_title argument, MATLAB uses the default string Select Directory to Open.

Adding and Moving Directories

On Windows systems, users can click the New Folder button to add a new directory to the directory structure displayed. Users can also drag and drop existing directories.


Example 1

The following statement displays the directories on the C: drive.

The dialog box is shown in the following figure.

If the user selects the directory MATLAB6.5\help\techdoc, as shown in the figure, and clicks OK, uigetdir returns

Example 2

The following statement uses the matlabroot command to display the MATLAB root directory in the dialog box:

If the user selects the directory MATLAB6.5/notebook/pc, as shown in the figure, uigetdir returns a string like

assuming that MATLAB is installed on drive C:\.

See Also

uigetfile, uiputfile

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