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Get database table unique row identifier



b = bestrowid(dbmeta, 'cata', 'sch') determines and returns the optimal set of columns in a table that uniquely identifies a row, in the schema sch, of the catalog cata, for the database whose database metadata object is dbmeta, where dbmeta was created using dmd.

b = bestrowid(dbmeta, 'cata', 'sch', 'tab') determines and returns the optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row in table tab, in the schema sch, of the catalog cata, for the database whose database metadata object is dbmeta, where dbmeta was created using dmd.



MATLAB returns

In this example:

The results is build_id, which means that every entry in the build_id column is unique and can be used to identify the row.

See Also
columns, dmd, get, tables

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