Image Processing Toolbox User's Guide Previous page   Next Page

Deblurring with the Wiener Filter

Use the deconvwnr function to deblur an image using the Wiener filter. Wiener deconvolution can be used effectively when the frequency characteristics of the image and additive noise are known, to at least some degree. In the absence of noise, the Wiener filter reduces to the ideal inverse filter.

This example deblurs the blurred image created in Deblurring Model, specifying the same PSF function that was used to create the blur. This example illustrates the importance of knowing the PSF, the function that caused the blur. When you know the exact PSF, the results of deblurring can be quite effective.

  1. Read an image into the MATLAB workspace. (To speed the deblurring operation, the example also crops the image.)
  2. Create a PSF.
  3. Create a simulated blur in the image.
  4. Deblur the image.

Refining the Result

You can affect the deconvolution results by providing values for the optional arguments supported by the deconvwnr function. Using these arguments you can specify the noise-to-signal power value and/or provide autocorrelation functions to help refine the result of deblurring. To see the impact of these optional arguments, view the Image Processing Toolbox deblurring demos.

Previous page  Using the Deblurring Functions Deblurring with a Regularized Filter Next page

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