Image Processing Toolbox User's Guide Previous page   Next Page

Display range tool



imdisplayrange creates a display range tool in the current figure. The display range tool shows the display range of the intensity image or images in the figure.

The tool is a uipanel object, positioned in the lower-right corner of the figure. It contains the text string "Display range:" followed by the display range values for the image, as shown in the following figure.

For an indexed, truecolor, or binary image, the display range is not applicable and is set to empty ([]).

imdisplayrange(h) Creates a display range tool in the figure specified by the handle h, where h is a handle to an image, axes, uipanel, or figure object. Axes, uipanel, or figure objects must contain at least one image object.

imdisplayrange(hparent,himage) creates a display range tool in hparent that shows the display range of himage. himage is a handle to an image or an array of image handles. hparent is a handle to the figure or uipanel object that contains the display range tool.

hpanel=imdisplayrange(...) returns a handle to the display range tool uipanel.


The display range tool can work with multiple images in a figure. When the cursor is not in an image in a figure, the display range tool displays the text string, [black white].


Display an image and include the Display Range tool.

Import a 16-bit DICOM image and display it with its default range and scaled range in the same figure.

See also


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