Image Processing Toolbox User's Guide Previous page   Next Page

Check for presence of Intel Performance Primitives Library (IPPL)



The Intel Performance Primitives Library (IPPL) provides a collection of basic functions used in signal and image processing. The IPPL takes advantage of the parallelism of the Single-Instruction, Multiple-Data (SIMD) instructions that make up the core of the MMX technology and Streaming SIMD Extensions. These instructions are available only on the Intel architecture processors. IPPL is used by some of the Image Processing Toolbox functions to accelerate their execution time.

TF = ippl returns true (1) if IPPL is available and false (0) otherwise.

[TF B] = ippl returns an additional column cell array B. Each row of B contains a string describing a specific IPPL module.

When IPPL is available, the Image Processing Toolbox image arithmetic functions (imabsdiff, imadd, imsubtract, imdivide, immultiply, and imlincomb) and the imfilter function take advantage of it. Toolbox functions that use these functions also benefit.


IPPL is utilized only for some data types and only under specific conditions. See the help sections of the functions listed above for detailed information on when IPPL is activated.

The IPPL function is likely to change.

See Also

imabsdiff, imadd, imdivide, imfilter, imlincomb, immultiply, imsubtract

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