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Conscience bias initialization function


b = initcon(s,pr)


initcon is a bias initialization function that initializes biases for learning with the learncon learning function.

initcon (S,PR) takes two arguments,

and returns an S x 1 bias vector.

Note that for biases, R is always 1. initcon could also be used to initialize weights, but it is not recommended for that purpose.


Here initial bias values are calculated for a 5 neuron layer.

Network Use

You can create a standard network that uses initcon to initialize weights by calling newc.

To prepare the bias of layer i of a custom network to initialize with initcon:

  1. Set net.initFcn to 'initlay'. (net.initParam will automatically become initlay's default parameters.)
  2. Set net.layers{i}.initFcn to 'initwb'.
  3. Set net.biases{i}.initFcn to 'initcon'.

To initialize the network, call init. See newc for initialization examples.


learncon updates biases so that each bias value b(i) is a function of the average output c(i) of the neuron i associated with the bias.

initcon gets initial bias values by assuming that each neuron has responded to equal numbers of vectors in the "past."

See Also

initwb, initlay, init, learncon

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