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Export Perceptron Results to Workspace

To export the network outputs and errors to the MATLAB command line workspace, click in the lower left of the Network:ANDNet window to go back to the Network/Data Manager. Note that the output and error for the ANDNet are listed in the Outputs and Error lists on the right side. Next click on Export. This will give you an Export or Save from Network/Data Manager window. Click on ANDNet_outputs and ANDNet_errors to highlight them, and then click the Export button. These two variables now should be in the command line workspace. To check this, go to the command line and type who to see all the defined variables. The result should be

You might type ANDNet_outputs and ANDNet_errors to obtain the following


You can export p, t, and ANDNet in a similar way. You might do this and check with who to make sure that they got to the command line.

Now that ANDNet is exported you can view the network description and examine the network weight matrix. For instance, the command





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