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Save a Variable to a File and Load It Later

Bring up the Network/Data Manager and click on New Network. Set the name to mynet. Click on Create. The network name mynet should appear in the Network/Data Manager. In this same manager window click on Export. Select mynet in the variable list of the Export or Save window and click on Save. This leads to the Save to a MAT file window. Save to a file mynetfile.

Now let's get rid of mynet in the GUI and retrieve it from the saved file. First go to the Data/Network Manager, highlight mynet, and click Delete. Next click on Import. This brings up the Import or Load to Network/Data Manager window. Select the Load from Disk button and type mynetfile as the MAT-file Name. Now click on Browse. This brings up the Select MAT file window with mynetfile as an option that you can select as a variable to be imported. Highlight mynetfile, press Open, and you return to the Import or Load to Network/Data Manager window. On the Import As list, select Network. Highlight mynet and lick on Load to bring mynet to the GUI. Now mynet is back in the GUI Network/Data Manager window.

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