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Symmetric random weight/bias initialization function



rands is a weight/bias initialization function.

rands(S,PR) takes,

and returns an S-by-R weight matrix of random values between -1 and 1.

rands(S,R) returns an S-by-R matrix of random values. rands(S) returns an S-by-1 vector of random values.


Here three sets of random values are generated with rands.

Network Use

To prepare the weights and the bias of layer i of a custom network to be initialized with rands

  1. Set net.initFcn to 'initlay'. (net.initParam will automatically become initlay's default parameters.)
  2. Set net.layers{i}.initFcn to 'initwb'.
  3. Set each net.inputWeights{i,j}.initFcn to 'rands'. Set each net.layerWeights{i,j}.initFcn to 'rands'. Set each net.biases{i}.initFcn to 'rands'.

To initialize the network call init.

See Also

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