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One-dimensional interval location using Brent's method


[a,gX,perf,retcode,delta,tol] = srchbre(net,X,Pd,Tl,Ai,Q,TS,dX,gX,perf,dperf,delta,tol,ch_perf)


srchbre is a linear search routine. It searches in a given direction to locate the minimum of the performance function in that direction. It uses a technique called Brent's technique.

srchbre(net,X,Pd,Tl,Ai,Q,TS,dX,gX,perf,dperf,delta,tol,ch_perf) takes these inputs,

and returns,

Parameters used for the brent algorithm are:

The defaults for these parameters are set in the training function that calls it. See traincgf, traincgb, traincgp, trainbfg, trainoss.

Dimensions for these variables are:



Here is a problem consisting of inputs p and targets t that we would like to solve with a network.

Here a two-layer feed-forward network is created. The network's input ranges from [0 to 10]. The first layer has two tansig neurons, and the second layer has one logsig neuron. The traincgf network training function and the srchbac search function are to be used.

Create and Test a Network

Network Use

You can create a standard network that uses srchbre with newff, newcf, or newelm.

To prepare a custom network to be trained with traincgf, using the line search function srchbre

  1. Set net.trainFcn to 'traincgf'. This will set net.trainParam to traincgf's default parameters.
  2. Set net.trainParam.searchFcn to 'srchbre'.

The srchbre function can be used with any of the following training functions: traincgf, traincgb, traincgp, trainbfg, trainoss.


srchbre brackets the minimum of the performance function in the search direction dX, using Brent's algorithm described on page 46 of Scales (see reference below). It is a hybrid algorithm based on the golden section search and the quadratic approximation.

See Also

srchbac, srchcha, srchgol, srchhyb


Scales, L. E., Introduction to Non-Linear Optimization, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1985.

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