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Equalize lengths of transfer function's numerator and denominator



[b,a] = eqtflength(num,den) modifies the vector num and/or the vector den, so that the resulting output vectors b and a have the same length. The input vectors num and den may have different lengths. The vector num represents the numerator polynomial of a given discrete-time transfer function, and the vector den represents its denominator. The resulting numerator b and denominator a represent the same discrete-time transfer function, but these vectors have the same length.

[b,a,n,m] = eqtflength(num,den) modifies the vectors as above and also returns the numerator order n and the denominator m, not including any trailing zeros.

Use eqtflength to obtain a numerator and denominator of equal length before applying transfer function conversion functions such as tf2ss and tf2zp to discrete-time models.



eqtflength(num,den) appends zeros to either num or den as necessary. If both num and den have trailing zeros in common, these are removed.

See Also

tf2ss, tf2zp

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