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Opening the Spectrum Viewer

To open the Spectrum Viewer and create a PSD estimate from SPTool:

  1. Select a signal from the Signal list box in SPTool.
  2. Press the Create button in the Spectra list.
  3. Press the Apply button in the Spectrum Viewer.

To open the Spectrum Viewer with a PSD estimate already listed in SPTool:

  1. Select a PSD estimate from the Spectra list box in SPTool.
  2. Press the View button in the Spectra list.

For example:

  1. Select mtlb in the default Signals list in SPTool.
  2. Press the Create button in SPTool to open the Spectrum Viewer.
  3. Press the Apply button in the Spectrum Viewer to plot the spectrum.

The Spectrum Viewer has the following components:

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