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Making Signal Measurements with Markers

You can use the markers on the Signal Browser or the Spectrum Viewer to make measurements on either of the following:

The following marker buttons are included



Toggle markers on/off

Vertical markers

Horizontal markers

Vertical markers with tracking

Vertical markers with tracking and slope

Display peaks (local maxima)

Display valleys (local minima)

To make a measurement:

  1. Select a line to measure (or play, if you are in the Signal Browser).
  2. Select one of the marker buttons to apply a marker to the displayed signal.
  3. Position a marker in the main display area by grabbing it with your mouse and dragging:
    1. Select a marker setting. If you choose the Vertical, Track, or Slope buttons, you can drag a marker to the right or left. If you choose the Horizontal button, you can drag a marker up or down.
    2. Move the mouse over the marker (1 or 2) that you want to drag.
    1. Drag the marker to where you want it on the signal.
  1. As you drag a marker, the bottom of the Signal Browser shows the current position of both markers. Depending on which marker setting you select, some or all of the following fields are displayed--x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, m. These fields are also displayed when you print from the Signal Browser, unless you suppress them.

You can also position a marker by typing its x1 and x2 or y1 and y2 values in the region at the bottom.

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