Wavelet Toolbox |
Saving the Synthesized Signal
The Fractional Brownian Motion Synthesis Tool lets you save the synthesized signal to disk. The toolbox creates a MAT-file in the current directory with a name you choose.
To save the synthesized signal from the present selection, use the option FileSave Synthesized Signal. A dialog box appears that lets you specify a directory and filename for storing the signal. After saving the signal data to the file fbm07.mat, load the variables into workspace.
load fbm07 whos Name Size Bytes Class FBM_PARAMS 1x1 668 struct array fbm07 1x1000 8000 double array Grand total is 1014 elements using 8668 bytes FBM_PARAMS FBM_PARAMS = SEED: [2x1 double] Wav: 'db10' Length: 1000 H: 0.7000 Refinement: 6
The synthesized signal is given by fbm07. In addition, the parameters of the generation are given by FBM_PARAMS, which is a cell array of length 5.
Fractional Brownian Motion Synthesis Using the Graphical Interface | New Wavelet for CWT |
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