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Lifting schemes information



lsinfo displays the following information about lifting schemes. A lifting scheme LS is a N x 3 cell array. The N-1 first rows of the array are elementary lifting steps (ELS). The last row gives the normalization of LS.

Each ELS has this format

where type is 'p' (primal) or 'd' (dual), coefficients is a vector C of real numbers defining the coefficients of a Laurent polynomial P described below, and max_degree is the highest degree d of the monomials of P.

The Laurent polynomial P is of the form

P(z) = C(1)*z^d + C(2)*z^(d-1) + ... + C(m)*z^(d-m+1)

The lifting scheme LS is such that for

k = 1:N-1 , LS{k,:} is an ELS, where

LS{k,1} is the lifting type 'p' (primal) or 'd' (dual).

LS{k,2} is the corresponding lifting filter.

LS{k,3} is the highest degree of the Laurent polynomial corresponding to the filter LS{k,2}.

LS{N,1} is the primal normalization (real number).

LS{N,2} is the dual normalization (real number).

LS{N,3} is not used.

Usually, the normalizations are such that LS{N,1}*LS{N,2} = 1.

For example, the lifting scheme associated with the wavelet db1 is:

See Also
displs, laurpoly

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