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Wavelet manager



wavemngr is a type of wavelets manager. It allows you to add, delete, restore, or read wavelets.

wavemngr('add',FN,FSN,WT,NUMS,FILE) or wavemngr('add',FN,FSN,WT,NUMS,FILE,B) or wavemngr('add',FN,FSN,WT,{NUMS,TYPNUMS},FILE) or wavemngr('add',FN,FSN,WT,{NUMS,TYPNUMS},FILE,B), add a new wavelet family to the toolbox.

FN = Family Name (string)

FSN = Family Short Name (string of length equal or less than four characters)

WT defines the wavelet type:

WT = 1, for orthogonal wavelets

WT = 2, for biorthogonal wavelets

WT = 3, for wavelet with scaling function

WT = 4, for wavelet without scaling function

WT = 5, for complex wavelet without scaling function

If the family contains a single wavelet, NUMS = ' '.




If the wavelet is member of a finite family of wavelets, NUMS is a string containing a blank separated list of items representing wavelet parameters.


: NUMS = '1.1  1.3  ...  4.4  5.5  6.8'

If the wavelet is part of an infinite family of wavelets, NUMS is a string containing a blank separated list of items representing wavelet parameters, terminated by the special sequence **.


: NUMS = '1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  **'
: NUMS = '1-1.5  1-1  1-0.5  1-0.1  2-3  **'

In these last two cases, TYPNUMS specifies the wavelet parameter input format: 'integer' or 'real' or 'string'; the default value is 'integer'.


: TYPNUMS = 'integer'
: TYPNUMS = 'real'
: TYPNUMS = 'string'

FILE = MAT-file or M-file name (string). See usage in the "Examples" section.

B = [lb ub] specifies lower and upper bounds of effective support for wavelets of
type = 3, 4 or 5.

This option is fully documented in Chapter 7 of the User's Guide, "Adding Your Own Wavelets".

wavemngr('del',N), deletes a wavelet or a wavelet family. N is the Family Short Name or the Wavelet Name (in the family). N is a string.

wavemngr('restore') or wavemngr('restore',IN2), restore previous or initial wavelets. If nargin = 1, the previous wavelets.asc ASCII-file is restored; otherwise the initial wavelets.asc ASCII-file is restored. Here IN2 is a dummy argument.

OUT1 = wavemngr('read') returns all wavelet family names.

OUT1 = wavemngr('read',IN2) returns all wavelet names, IN2 is a dummy argument.

OUT1 = wavemngr('read_asc') reads wavelets.asc ASCII-file and returns all wavelets information.


In the following example, new compactly supported orthogonal wavelets are added to the toolbox. These wavelets, which are a slight generalization of the Daubechies wavelets, are based on the use of Bernstein polynomials and are due to Kateb and Lemarié in an unpublished work.

Caution  wavemngr works on the current directory. If you add a new wavelet family, it is available in this directory only. Refer to Chapter 7 of the User's Guide, "Adding Your Own Wavelets".


wavemngr allows you to add a new wavelet. You must verify that it is truly a wavelet. No check is performed either about this point or about the type of the new wavelet.

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