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Find variance change points.



[PTS_OPT,KOPT,T_EST] = wvarchg(Y,K,D) computes the estimated change points of the variance of signal Y for j change points, with j = 0, 1, 2, ... , K.

Integer D is the minimum delay between two change points.

Integer KOPT is the proposed number of change points (0 KOPT K). The vector PTS_OPT contains the corresponding change points.

For 1 k K, T_EST(k+1,1:k) contains the k instants of the variance change points and then, if KOPT > 0, PTS_OPT = T_EST(KOPT+1,1:KOPT) else PTS_OPT = [].

K and D must be integers such that 1 < K << length(Y) and 1 D << length(Y).

The signal Y should be zero mean.

wvarchg(Y,K) is equivalent to wvarchg(Y,K,10).

wvarchg(Y) is equivalent to wvarchg(Y,6,10).



Lavielle, M. (1999), "Detection of multiple changes in a sequence of dependent variables," Stoch. Proc. and their Applications, 83, 2, pp. 79-102.

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