Creating Graphical User Interfaces Previous page   Next Page

Using the Object Browser to Identify Callbacks

In this example, it is easy to keep track of the GUI component that corresponds to each callback. But in a more complicated GUI, keeping track of callbacks can be more difficult. To identify the component corresponding to a callback, select Object Browser from the View menu in the Layout Editor or by clicking the Object Browser icon on the toolbar. This displays the Object Browser as shown in the following figure. The Object Browser lists the tag and string properties of each component of the GUI. Selecting the name of a component in the list also selects the component in the Layout Editor. For example, in the following figure, the uicontrol (mesh_pushbutton "Mesh") is selected in the Object Browser. The tag mesh_pushbutton corresponds to the callback mesh_pushbutton_Callback. Note that the corresponding component, the mesh push button, is also selected in the Layout Editor.

view of the object browser

To learn more about programming GUIs in GUIDE, see Programming GUIs.

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