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Plot Objects and Backward Compatibility

Plotting functions that create plot objects can introduce incompatibilities with code written before MATLAB Version 7. However, all plotting functions that return handles to plot objects support an optional argument ('v6') that forces the functions to use core objects, as was the case in MATLAB before Version 7.

See Plot Objects for a list of functions that create plot objects.

See Core Graphics Objects for a list of core graphics objects.

Saving Figures That Are Compatible with Previous Version of MATLAB

Create backward-compatible FIG-files by following these two steps.

For example,

You can set a general MATLAB preference to ensure that figures saved by selecting the Save item under the figure File menu are backward compatible. To access MATLAB preferences, select Preferences from the Desktop File menu. Expand the General node and select MAT Files. Click Ensure backward compatibility (-v6). Note that this setting affects all FIG-files and MAT-files that you create.

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