Shortcut Editor

When creating a new shortcut, provide values for the fields listed below. When editing an existing shortcut, make changes to these values. When adding a Help browser favorite, you can accept all the defaults and just click Save, or you can make changes.

For related information, use the See Also links at the end of this topic.


Provide a name for the shortcut.


Enter the MATLAB statements that execute when you run the shortcut. You can type them in, copy and paste them, or drag them from a desktop tool. Edit the statements as needed.

For Help browser favorites, do not change the default entry.

If you copy the statements from the Command Window, prompts (>>) appear in the shortcut, but MATLAB removes the prompts when you save the shortcut.

The field uses the key bindings preferences you specified for the Editor/Debugger and the desktop code font preferences you specified.


Select or type a category to which the shortcut belongs. Categories are used like directories to help you locate and organize shortcuts. Create a new category by typing its name in the category field. When you run a shortcut from the Start menu, you access it from its category.

In addition to the categories you create, you can use one of these MATLAB options:


Select an icon to associate with the shortcut. You can either

See Also