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The Function eps

Because there are only finitely many double-precision numbers, you cannot represent all numbers in double-precision storage. On any computer, there is a small gap between each double-precision number and the next larger double-precision number. You can determine the size of this gap, which limits the precision of your results, using the eps function. For example, to find the distance between 5 and the next larger double-precision number, enter

This tells you that there are no double-precision numbers between 5 and 5 + eps(5). If a double-precision computation returns the answer 5, the result is only accurate to within eps(5).

The value of eps(x) depends on x: as x gets larger, so does eps(x). For example,

so that eps(50) is larger than eps(5).

If you enter eps with no input argument, MATLAB returns the value of eps(1), the distance from 1 to the next larger double-precision number.

Similarly, there are gaps between any two single-precision numbers. If x has type single, eps(x) returns the distance between x and the next larger single-precision number. For example,


Note that this result is larger than eps(5). Because there are fewer single-precision numbers than double-precision numbers, the gaps between the single-precision numbers are larger than the gaps between double-precision numbers. This means that results in single-precision arithmetic are less precise than in double-precision.

For a number x of type double, eps(single(x)) gives you an upper bound for the amount that x is rounded when you convert it from double to single. For example, when you convert the double-precision number 3.14 to single, it is rounded by

The amount that 3.14 is rounded is less than

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