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Keyboard and Indenting Preferences for the Command Window

Command Line Key Bindings

Specify the keyboard shortcuts (key bindings) to be used at the command line.

Emacs (MATLAB standard).   Allows you to use the control keys listed in Keyboard Shortcuts in the Command Window, which should be familiar to existing MATLAB users and Emacs users. For example, Ctrl+A moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Windows.   Allows you to use standard Windows control keys. For example, Ctrl+A is the shortcut for Edit -> Select All, which selects the entire contents of the Command Window.

Macintosh.   This option is available only on Macintosh platforms. It allows you to use Macintosh keys, such as the Command key instead of the Ctrl key.

Tab Key

Tab size.   Number of spaces assigned to a tab stop when displaying output. The default is four spaces, except on UNIX platforms where the default is eight spaces.

Enable tab completions.   Select the check box if you want to use tab completion when typing functions in the Command Window. Clear the check box if you do not want to use the tab completion feature. In that event, when you press the Tab key, MATLAB moves the cursor to the next tab stop rather than completing a function.

Parentheses Matching

These preferences cause MATLAB to notify you about matched and unmatched delimiters. For example, when you type a parenthesis or another delimiter, MATLAB highlights the matched parenthesis or delimiter in the pair. These preferences are like the parentheses matching in the Editor/Debugger. For a description, see Parentheses Matching Preferences for the Editor/Debugger in the online documentation.

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