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Shortcuts Toolbar

The Shortcuts toolbar is an alternative to creating and running shortcuts via the Start button. To show or hide the shortcuts toolbar, use Desktop -> Shortcuts Toolbar. To create and run shortcuts via the desktop Shortcuts toolbar, perform these steps:

  1. Select statements from the Command History window, the Command Window, or an M-file.
  2. Drag the selection to the desktop Shortcuts toolbar. The following illustration shows two statements being dragged from the Command Window.

    Image of MATLAB desktop showing two lines selected in the Command window being dragged to the Shortcuts toolbar to create a new shortcut.

  3. The Shortcut Editor dialog box appears. The Callback field contains the selected statements, which you can edit as needed. If prompts (>>) from the Command Window appear, note that MATLAB automatically removes them when you save the shortcut. The Category field is Toolbar Shortcuts, which you must keep so the shortcut appears on the toolbar.
  1. Provide the Label, select an Icon, and click Save.

    The shortcut icon and label appear on the toolbar. If you have more shortcuts on the toolbar than can be displayed at once, use the drop-down list to access all of them. For more information, click the Help button in the Shortcut Editor dialog box.

  1. Click the icon on the Shortcuts toolbar to run the shortcut. You can also run the shortcut from the Start button by selecting it in the Toolbar Shortcuts category.

    Image of Shortcuts toolbar in the MATLAB desktop showing the shortcut just added.

You can also add a shortcut to the desktop Shortcuts toolbar by right-clicking the toolbar and selecting New Shortcut. Complete the resulting Shortcut Editor dialog box. Assuming you maintain the Toolbar Shortcuts category, the shortcut appears on the toolbar. To change the order of the shortcuts on the toolbar, select Start -> Shortcuts -> Organize Shortcuts and move the shortcuts within the Toolbar Shortcuts category.

How to Add and What's New Shortcuts.   The Shortcuts toolbar includes two shortcuts provided with MATLAB. The How to Add shortcut provides help about shortcuts and adding them to the Shortcuts toolbar. What's New displays the Release Notes documentation.

To remove the How to Add or What's New shortcut from the Shortcuts toolbar, move them to a different category. For instructions, see Organizing and Editing Shortcuts.

If you do not want to keep these shortcuts, remove each one by right-clicking its toolbar shortcut button and selecting Delete from the context menu. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box to remove the shortcut.

Shortcut Labels on Toolbar.   You can hide the shortcut labels on the toolbar. Right-click in the Shortcuts toolbar. From the context menu, select Show Labels, which clears the check mark next to the item. The shortcut icons appear on the toolbar without labels. When you move the mouse over a shortcut icon, its label appears as a tooltip. To make labels display in the toolbar, right-click the toolbar and select Show Labels again, which selects the item and displays the labels.

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