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General Preferences for MATLAB

Select File -> Preferences -> General from any desktop tool to access the General Preferences panel.

Image of Preferences dialog box showing the General panel, and the subentries for MAT-Files and Source Control.

These preferences apply to all relevant tools in MATLAB.

Default Behavior of the Delete Function

Files you delete using the delete function are permanently removed by default. There is no opportunity to retrieve them.

You can use this preference to instead move deleted files to the Recycle Bin on Windows, to the Trash Can on Macintosh, or to a tmp directory on UNIX platforms. Then, you can recover any accidentally deleted files from these locations. Deleted files in these locations are not automatically removed; you must remove them using operating system features, such as Empty Recycle Bin on Windows. When you select this preference, delete might run slower.

Function Alternative.   The MATLAB delete preference actually sets the state of the recycle function upon startup and when you change the preference. You can override the behavior of the preference by setting the recycle function state. For example, regardless of the preference setting, when you run


MATLAB permanently removes thisfile.m from the current directory. Files you subsequently remove using delete are also permanently removed, unless you reapply the preference to recycle or run recycle('on'). Regardless of the state of the recycle function when you end a session, the next time you start MATLAB, the setting for the preference is honored. For more information, see the recycle and delete reference pages.

Note that this preference and the recycle function do not apply to files you delete using the Current Directory browser. For more information, see Cutting or Deleting Files and Directories.

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