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Viewing and Editing Cell Arrays, Structures, and Multidimensional Arrays

Cell Arrays and Structures in the Array Editor

You can view and edit the content of cell arrays and structures in the Array Editor.

In the Array Editor, double-click an element of a structure to open it as its own Array Editor document. You can then view and edit the contents of that element.

Similarly, double-click a cell in a cell array to view and edit its contents. The following illustration shows an 8-by1 cell array, M, and the contents of M{4,1}.

Image of Array Editor showing M, an 8-by-1 cell array. M{4,1} appears as a 4-by-4 double. When you double-click that cell, it opens in another document, showing its contents.

Multidimensional Arrays in the Array Editor

You can view the contents of multidimensional arrays in the Array Editor. When you open a multidimensional array in the Array Editor, it does not have usual grid structure, because multidimensional arrays do not fit that format. You cannot double-click an element in a multidimensional array to edit it. The following illustration shows R = rand(1,2,3).

Image of Array Editor showing the 3-D array R.

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