MATLAB Function Reference |
Controlling the Camera Viewpoint
camdolly | Move camera position and target |
camlookat | View specific objects |
camorbit | Orbit about camera target |
campan | Rotate camera target about camera position |
campos | Set or get camera position |
camproj | Set or get projection type |
camroll | Rotate camera about viewing axis |
camtarget | Set or get camera target |
cameratoolbar | Control camera toolbar programmatically |
camup | Set or get camera up-vector |
camva | Set or get camera view angle |
camzoom | Zoom camera in or out |
view | 3-D graph viewpoint specification. |
viewmtx | Generate view transformation matrices |
makehgtform | Create a transform matrix |
Setting the Aspect Ratio and Axis Limits
daspect | Set or get data aspect ratio |
pbaspect | Set or get plot box aspect ratio |
xlim | Set or get the current x-axis limits |
ylim | Set or get the current y-axis limits |
zlim | Set or get the current z-axis limits |
pan | Turns panning on or off |
reset | Reset axis or figure |
rotate | Rotate objects about specified origin and direction |
rotate3d | Interactively rotate the view of a 3-D plot |
selectmoveresize | Interactively select, move, or resize objects |
zoom | Zoom in and out on a 2-D plot |
dragrect | Drag XOR rectangles with mouse |
rbbox | Rubberband box |
Surface and Mesh Plots | Lighting |
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