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Extract data from an HDF or HDF-EOS file



data = hdfread(filename, dataset) returns all the data in the specified data set dataset from the HDF or HDF-EOS file filename. To determine the names of the data sets in an HDF file, use the hdfinfo function. The information returned by hdfinfo contains structures describing the data sets contained in the file. You can extract one of these structures and pass it directly to hdfread.

data = hdfread(hinfo) returns all the data in the data set specified in the structure hinfo. The hinfo structure can be extracted from the data returned by the hdfinfo function.

data = hdfread(...,param1,value1,param2,value2,...) returns subsets of the data according to the specified parameter and value pairs. See the tables below to find the valid parameters and values for different types of data sets.

[data,map] = hdfread(...) returns the image data and the colormap map for an 8-bit raster image.

Subsetting Parameters

The following tables show the subsetting parameters that can be used with the hdfread function for certain types of HDF data. These data types are

Note the following:

Subsetting Parameters for HDF Scientific Data (SD) Data Sets

When you are working with HDF SD files, hdfread supports the parameters listed in this table.

Three-element cell array, {start,stride,edge}, specifying the location, range, and values to be read from the data set
  • start -- A 1-based array specifying the position in the file to begin reading
  • Default: 1, start at the first element of each dimension. The values specified must not exceed the size of any dimension of the data set.

  • stride -- A 1-based array specifying the interval between the values to read
  • Default: 1, read every element of the data set.

  • edge -- A 1-based array specifying the length of each dimension to read
  • Default: An array containing the lengths of the corresponding dimensions

For example, this code reads the data set Example SDS from the HDF file example.hdf. The 'Index' parameter specifies that hdfread start reading data at the beginning of each dimension, read until the end of each dimension, but only read every other data value in the first dimension.

Subsetting Parameters for HDF Vdata Sets

When you are working with HDF Vdata files, hdfread supports these parameters.

Text string specifying the name of the data set field to be read from. When specifying multiple field names, use a comma-separated list.
1-based number specifying the record from which to begin reading
Number specifying the total number of records to read

For example, this code reads the Vdata set Example Vdata from the HDF file example.hdf.

Subsetting Parameters for HDF-EOS Grid Data

When you are working with HDF-EOS grid data, hdfread supports three types of parameters:

For example,

Subsetting Parameters for HDF-EOS Point Data

When you are working with HDF-EOS Point data, hdfread has two required parameters and three optional parameters.

Required Parameters
String naming the data set field to be read. For multiple field names, use a comma-separated list.
1-based number specifying which level to read from in an HDF-EOS Point data set
Optional Parameters
Two-element cell array, {longitude,latitude}, specifying the longitude and latitude coordinates that define a region. longitude and latitude are each two-element vectors specifying longitude and latitude coordinates.
Vector specifying the record numbers to read
Two-element cell array, [start stop], where start and stop are numbers that specify the start and endpoint for a period of time

For example,

Subsetting Parameters for HDF-EOS Swath Data

When you are working with HDF-EOS Swath data, hdfread supports three types of parameters:

You can only use one of the mutually exclusive parameters in a call to hdfread, and you cannot use these parameters in combination with any optional parameter.

Required Parameter
String naming the data set field to be read. You can specify only one field name for a Swath data set.
Mutually Exclusive Optional Parameters
Three-element cell array, {start,stride,edge}, specifying the location, range, and values to be read from the data set
  • start -- An array specifying the position in the file to begin reading
  • Default: 1, start at the first element of each dimension. The values must not exceed the size of any dimension of the data set.

  • stride -- An array specifying the interval between the values to read
  • Default: 1, read every element of the data set.

  • edge -- An array specifying the length of each dimension to read
  • Default: An array containing the lengths of the corresponding dimensions

Three-element cell array, {start, stop, mode}, where start and stop specify the beginning and the endpoint for a period of time, and mode is a string defining the criterion for the inclusion of a cross track in a region. The cross track is within a region if any of these conditions is met:
  • Its midpoint is within the box (mode='midpoint').
  • Either endpoint is within the box (mode='endpoint').
  • Any point is within the box (mode='anypoint').
Optional Parameters
Three-element cell array, {longitude, latitude, mode} specifying the longitude and latitude coordinates that define a region. longitude and latitude are two-element vectors that specify longitude and latitude coordinates. mode is a string defining the criterion for the inclusion of a cross track in a region. The cross track is within a region if any of these conditions is met:
  • Its midpoint is within the box (mode='midpoint').
  • Either endpoint is within the box (mode='endpoint').
  • Any point is within the box (mode='anypoint').

String specifying whether geolocation fields and data fields must be in the same swath (mode='internal'), or can be in different swaths (mode='external')

Note: mode is only used when extracting a time period or a region.
Two-element cell array, {dimension, range}
  • dimension is a string specifying either a dimension name or field name to subset the data by.
  • range is a two-element vector specifying the minimum and maximum range for the subset. If dimension is a dimension name, then range specifies the range of elements to extract. If dimension is a field name, then range specifies the range of values to extract.

'Vertical' subsetting can be used alone or in conjunction with 'Box' or 'Time'. To subset a region along multiple dimensions, vertical subsetting can be used up to eight times in one call to hdfread.

For example,


Importing a Data Set by Name

When you know the name of the data set, you can refer to the data set by name in the hdfread command. To read a data set named 'Example SDS', use

Importing a Data Set Using the Hinfo Structure

When you don't know the name of the data set, follow this procedure.

  1. Use hdfinfo first to retrieve information on the data set.
  2. Extract the structure containing information about the particular data set you want to import from fileinfo.
  3. Pass this structure to hdfread to import the data in the data set.

Importing a Subset of a Data Set

You can check the size of the information returned as follows.

Using hdfread parameter/value pairs, you can read a subset of the data in the data set. This example specifies a starting index of [3 3], an interval of 1 between values ([] meaning the default value of 1), and a length of 10 rows and 2 columns.

Importing Fields from a Vdata Set

This example retrieves information from example.hdf first, and then reads two fields of the data, Idx and Temp.

See Also

hdfinfo, hdf

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