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Interpolate stream line vertices from flow speed



interpstreamspeed(X,Y,Z,U,V,W,vertices) interpolates streamline vertices based on the magnitude of the vector data U, V, W. The arrays X, Y, Z define the coordinates for U, V, W and must be monotonic and 3-D plaid (as if produced by meshgrid).

interpstreamspeed(U,V,W,vertices) assumes X, Y, and Z are determined by the expression

where [m n p] = size(U).

interpstreamspeed(X,Y,Z,speed,vertices) uses the 3-D array speed for the speed of the vector field.

interpstreamspeed(speed,vertices) assumes X, Y, and Z are determined by the expression

where [m n p]=size(speed).

interpstreamspeed(X,Y,U,V,vertices) interpolates streamline vertices based on the magnitude of the vector data U, V. The arrays X, Y define the coordinates for U, V and must be monotonic and 2-D plaid (as if produced by meshgrid)

interpstreamspeed(U,V,vertices) assumes X and Y are determined by the expression

where [M N]=size(U).

interpstreamspeed(X,Y,speed,vertices) uses the 2-D array speed for the speed of the vector field.

interpstreamspeed(speed,vertices) assumes X and Y are determined by the expression

where [M,N]= size(speed).

interpstreamspeed(...,sf) uses sf to scale the magnitude of the vector data and therefore controls the number of interpolated vertices. For example, if sf is 3, then interpstreamspeed creates only one-third of the vertices.

vertsout = interpstreamspeed(...) returns a cell array of vertex arrays.


This example draws streamlines using the vertices returned by interpstreamspeed. Dot markers indicate the location of each vertex. This example enables you to visualize the relative speeds of the flow data. Streamlines having widely spaced vertices indicate faster flow; those with closely spaced vertices indicate slower flow.

This example plots streamlines whose vertex spacing indicates the value of the gradient along the streamline.

See Also

stream2, stream3, streamline, streamslice, streamparticles

Volume Visualization for related functions

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