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Read data from text file, convert, and write to cell array



Before reading a file with textscan, you must open the file with the fopen function. fopen supplies the fid input required by textscan. When you are finished reading from the file, you should close the file by calling fclose(fid).

C = textscan(fid, 'format') reads data from an open text file identified by file identifier fid into cell array C. MATLAB parses the data into fields and converts it according to the conversion specifiers in the format string. These conversion specifiers determine the type of each cell in the output cell array. The number of specifiers determines the number of cells in the cell array.

C = textscan(fid, 'format', N) reads data from the file, reusing the format conversion specifier N times, where N is a positive integer. You can resume reading from the file after N cycles by calling textscan again using the original fid.

C = textscan(fid, 'format', param, value, ...) reads data from the file using nondefault parameter settings specified by one or more pairs of param and value arguments. The section User Configurable Options lists all valid parameter strings, value descriptions, and defaults.

C = textscan(fid, 'format', N, param, value, ...) reads data from the file, reusing the format conversion specifier N times, and using nondefault parameter settings specified by pairs of param and value arguments.

C = textscan(str, ...) reads data from string str in exactly the same way as it does when reading from a file. You can use the format, N, and parameter/value arguments described above with this syntax. Unlike when reading from a file, if you call textscan more than once on the same string, it does not resume reading where the last call left off but instead reads from the beginning of the string each time.

[C, position] = textscan(...) returns the location of the file or string position as the second output argument. For a file, this is exactly equivalent to calling ftell(fid) after making the call to TEXTSCAN. For a string, it indicates how many characters were read.

The Difference Between the textscan and textread Functions

The textscan function differs from textread in the following ways:

Field Delimiters

The textscan function regards a text file as consisting of blocks. Each block consists of a number of internally consistent fields. Each field consists of a group of characters delimited by a field delimiter character. Fields can span a number of rows. Each row is delimited by an end-of-line (EOL) character sequence.

The default field delimiter is the white-space character, (i.e., any character that returns true from a call to the isspace function). You can set the delimiter to a different character by specifying a 'delimiter' parameter in the textscan command (see User Configurable Options). If a nondefault delimiter is specified, repeated delimiter characters are treated as separate delimiters. When using the default delimiter, repeated white-space characters are treated as a single delimiter.

The default end-of-line character sequence depends on which operating system you are using. You can set end-of-line to a different character sequence by specifying an 'endofline' parameter in the textscan command (see User Configurable Options). If you set the delimiter parameter to 'EOL' (using the third syntax shown above), textscan reads complete rows.

Conversion Specifiers

This table shows the conversion type specifiers supported by textscan.

Read a number and convert to double.
Read a number and convert to int32.
Read a number and convert to int8.
Read a number and convert to int16.
Read a number and convert to int32.
Read a number and convert to int64.
Read a number and convert to uint32.
Read a number and convert to uint8.
Read a number and convert to uint16.
Read a number and convert to uint32.
Read a number and convert to uint64.
Read a number and convert to double.
Read a number and convert to single.
Read a number and convert to double.
Read a string.
Read a (possibly double-quoted) string.
Read one character, including white space.

Read characters that match characters between the brackets. Stop reading at the first nonmatching character or white-space. Use %[]...] to include ] in the set.


Read characters that do not match characters between the brackets. Stop reading at the first matching character or white-space. Use %[^]...] to exclude ] from the set.

Specifying Field Length

To read a certain number of characters or digits from a field, specify that number directly following the percent sign. For example, if the file you are reading contains the string

then the following command returns only five characters of the first field:

If you continue reading from the file, textscan resumes the operation at the point in the string where you left off. It applies the next format specifier to that portion of the field. For example, execute this command on the same file:

textscan reads starting from where it left off and continues to the next whitespace, returning 'bird'. The second %s reads the word 'singing'.

The results are

Skipping Fields

To skip any field, put an asterisk directly after the percent sign. MATLAB does not create an output cell for any fields that are skipped.

Refer to the example from the last section, where the file you are reading contains the string

Seek to the beginning of the file and then reread the line, this time skipping the second, fifth, and sixth fields:

C is a cell array of cell arrays, each containing a string. Piece together the string and display it:

Skipping Literal Strings

In addition to skipping entire fields, you can have textscan skip leading literal characters in a string. Reading a file containing the following data,

this command removes the substring 'Level' from the output and converts the level number to a uint8:

This returns a cell array C with the second cell containing only the unsigned integers:

Specifying Numeric Field Length and Decimal Digits

With numeric fields, you can specify the number of digits to read in the same manner described for strings in the section Specifying Field Length. The next example uses a file containing the line

This command returns the starting 7 digits of each number in the line. Note that the decimal point counts as a digit.

You can also control the number of digits that are read to the right of the decimal point for any numeric field of type %f, %f32, or %f64. The format specifier in this command uses a %9.1 prefix to cause textscan to read the first 9 digits of each number, but only include 1 digit of the decimal value in the number it returns:

Conversion of Numeric Fields

This table shows how textscan interprets the numeric field specifiers.

Format Specifier
Action Taken
%n, %d, %u, %f, and variants thereof
Read to the first delimiter.
Example: %n reads '473.238 ' as 473.238.
%Nn, %Nd, %Nu, %Nf, and variants thereof
Read N digits (counting a decimal point as a digit), or up to the first delimiter, whichever comes first.
Example: %5f32 reads '473.238 ' as 473.2.
Specifiers that start with %N.Df
Read N digits (counting a decimal point as a digit), or up to the first delimiter, whichever comes first. Return D decimal digits in the output.
Example: %7.2f reads '473.238 ' as 473.23.

Conversion specifiers %n, %d, %u, %f, or any variant thereof (e.g., %d16) return a K-by-1 MATLAB numeric vector of the type indicated by the conversion specifier, where K is the number of times that specifier was found in the file. textscan converts the numeric fields from the field content to the output type according to the conversion specifier and MATLAB rules regarding overflow and truncation. NaN, Inf, and -Inf are converted according to applicable MATLAB rules.

textscan imports any complex number as a whole into a complex numeric field, converting the real and imaginary parts to the specified numeric type. Valid forms for a complex number are


Embedded white-space in a complex number is invalid and is regarded as a field delimiter.

Conversion of Strings

This table shows how textscan interprets the string field specifiers.

Format Specifier
Action Taken
%s or %q
Read to the first delimiter.
Example: %s reads 'summer ' as 'summer'.
%Ns or %Nq
Read N characters, or to the first delimiter, whichever comes first.
Example: %3s reads 'summer ' as 'sum'.
Read up to the first character not specified within the brackets (i.e., read up to the first character that is not an a, b, or c).
Example: %[mus] reads 'summer ' as 'summ'.
Read N characters, or up to the first character not specified within the brackets, whichever comes first.
Example: %2[mus] reads 'summer ' as 'su'.
Read up to the first character that is specified within the brackets, (i.e., read up to the first occurrence of an a, b, or c).
Example: %[^xrg] reads 'summer ' as 'summe'.
Read N characters, or up to the first character that is specified within the brackets, whichever comes first.
Example: %2[^xrg] reads 'summer ' as 'su'.

Conversion specifiers %s, %q, %[...], and %[^...] return a K-by-1 MATLAB cell vector of strings, where K is the number of times that specifier was found in the file. If you set the delimiter parameter to a non-white-space character, or set the whitespace parameter to '', textscan returns all characters in the string field, including white-space. Otherwise each string terminates at the beginning of white-space.

Conversion of Characters

This table shows how textscan interprets the character field specifiers.

Format Specifier
Action Taken
Read one character.
Example: %c reads 'Let's go!' as 'L'.
Read N characters, including delimiter characters.
Example: %9c reads 'Let's go!' as 'Let's go!'.

Conversion specifier %Nc returns a K-by-N MATLAB character array, where K is the number of times that specifier was found in the file. textscan returns all characters, including white-space but excluding the delimiter.

Conversion of Empty Fields

An empty field in the text file is defined by two adjacent delimiters indicating an empty set of characters, or, in all cases except %c, white-space. The empty field is returned as NaN by default, but is user definable. In addition, you may specify custom strings to be used as empty values, in numeric fields only. textscan does not examine nonnumeric fields for custom empty values. See User Configurable Options.

User Configurable Options

This table shows the valid param-value options and their default values.

Maximum string length in bytes
Symbol(s) designating text to be ignored (see Values for commentStyle, below)
Delimiter characters
Empty cell value in delimited files
End-of-line character
Determined from the file
Exponent characters
Number of lines at beginning of file to skip
If set to 1, textread treats consecutive delimiters as a single delimiter. If set to 0, textread treats them as separate delimiters. Only valid if the delimiter option is specified.
Behavior on failing to read or convert (1=true or 0)
String(s) to be treated as an empty value. A single string or cell array of strings can be used.
White-space characters
' \b\t'

Values for commentStyle

Possible values for the commentStyle parameter are

Single string, S
Ignore any characters that follow string S and are on the same line.
'%', '//'
Cell array of two strings, C
Ignore any characters that lie between the opening and closing strings in C.
{'/*', '*/'},
{'/%', '%/'}

Resuming a Text Scan

If textscan fails to convert a data field, it stops reading and returns all fields read before the failure. When reading from a file, you can resume reading from the same file by calling textscan again using the same file identifier, fid. When reading from a string, the two-output argument syntax enables you to resume reading from the string at the point where the last read terminated. The following command is an example of how you can do this:


For information on how to use textscan to import large data sets, see Large Data Sets in the MATLAB Programming documentation.


Example 1-- Reading Different Types of Data

Text file scan1.dat contains data in the following form:

Read each column into a variable:

textscan returns a 1-by-8 cell array C with the following cells:

The first two elements of C{5} are the maximum values for a 32-bit unsigned integer, or intmax('uint32').

Example 2 -- Reading All But One Field

Read the file as a fixed-format file, skipping the third field:

textscan returns a 1-by-8 cell array C with the following cells:

Example 3 -- Reading Only the First Field

Read the first column into a cell array, skipping the rest of the line:

textscan returns a 1-by-1 cell array names:

The one cell contains

Example 4 -- Removing a Literal String in the Output

The second format specifier in this example, %sLevel, tells textscan to read the second field from a line in the file, but to ignore the initial string 'Level' within that field. All that is left of the field is a numeric digit. textscan assigns the next specifier, %f, to that digit, converting it to a double.

See C{2} in the results:

textscan returns a 1-by-8 cell array, C, with cells

Example 5 -- Using a Nondefault Delimiter and White-Space

Read the M-file into a cell array of strings:

textscan returns a 1-by-1 cell array, file, that contains a 37-by-1 cell array:

Show the first three lines of the file:

Example 6 -- Using a Nondefault Empty Value

Read files with empty cells, setting the emptyvalue parameter. The file data.csv contains

Read the file as shown here, using -Inf in empty cells:

textscan returns a 1-by-6 cell array C with the following cells:

Example 7 -- Using Custom Empty Values and Comments

You have a file data.csv that contains the lines

Designate what should be treated as empty values and as comments. Read in all other values from the file:

This returns the following data in cell array C:

Example 8 -- Reading From a String

Read in a string (quoted from Albert Einstein) using textscan:

Example 9 -- Handling Multiple Delimiters

This example takes a comma-separated list of names, the test pilots known as the Mercury Seven, and uses textscan to return a list of their names in a cell array. When some names are removed from the input list, leaving multiple sequential delimiters, textscan, by default, accounts for this. If you override that default by calling textscan with the multipleDelimsAsOne option, textscan ignores the missing names.

Here is the full list of the astronauts:

Remove the names Grissom and Cooper from the input string, and textscan, by default, does not treat the multiple delimiters as one, and returns an empty string for each missing name:

Using the same input string, but this time setting the multipleDelimsAsOne switch, textscan ignores the multiple delimiters:

See Also

dlmread, dlmwrite, xlswrite, fopen, importdata

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