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Undo previous checkout from source control system (UNIX only)

Graphical Interface

As an alternative to the undocheckout function, use Source Control -> Undo Checkout in the File menu for the Editor/Debugger, Simulink, or Stateflow, or in the context menu of the Current Directory browser.



undocheckout('filename') makes the file filename available for checkout, where filename does not reflect any of the changes you made after you last checked it out. Use the full pathname for filename and include the file extension.

undocheckout({'filename1','filename2', ...,'filenamen'}) makes filename1 through filenamen available for checkout, where the files do not reflect any of the changes you made after you last checked them out. Use the full pathnames for filenames and include the file extensions.



undoes the checkouts of /myserver/mymfiles/clock.m and
/myserver/mymfiles/calendar.m from the source control system.

See Also

checkin, checkout

For Windows platforms, use verctrl.

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