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External Interface/API Upgrade Issues

The issues involved in upgrading from MATLAB 7.0 to MATLAB 7.0.1, in terms of external interface/API features, are

Specifying the Search Path for Java Native Method DLLs

The mechanism that MATLAB uses to locate native method libraries that are required by Java has changed. MATLAB no longer uses system environment variables to define the paths to these libraries. If you presently rely on the PATH (for Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for UNIX) environment variables for this purpose, you will need to use the file librarypath.txt, as described below, in its place.

Specifying the Java Library Path

Java classes can dynamically load native methods using the Java method java.lang.System.loadLibrary("LibFile"). In order for the JVM to locate the specified library file, the directory containing it must be on the Java Library Path. This path is established when MATLAB launches the JVM at startup, and is based on the contents of the file

(where $matlab is the MATLAB root directory represented by the MATLAB keyword matlabroot).

You can augment the search path for native method libraries by editing the librarypath.txt file. Follow these guidelines when editing this file:

MATLAB DDE Server Is Now Disabled By Default

To enable the DDE server start MATLAB with the /Automation option.

The outgoing MATLAB DDE commands (ddeinit, ddeterm, ddeexec, ddereq, ddeadv, ddeunadv, ddepoke) function normally without the MATLAB DDE server. See for more information.

Clearing MEX-Functions

The command clear mex now clears MEX-functions, but not M- and MEX- functions. Entering clear mex does not clear locked or functions that are currently in use. It does however clear breakpoints and persistent variables. Clearing may clear or load another M- or MEX-function.

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