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Mathematics Features

MATLAB 7.0.1 adds the following mathematics features:

New Function ordeig

The new function ordeig takes a quasitriangular matrix T or matrix pair (A,B) and returns the vector of eigenvalues in the same order that they appear down the diagonal of T or (A,B). You can use ordeig with the functions ordschur and ordqz, which reorder the eigenvalues of a Schur factorization or a QZ factorization, respectively.

More Functions Accept Single-Precision Data Inputs

More MATLAB functions now accept single-precision data inputs, in addition to the usual double-precision inputs. To determine whether a function works on single precision inputs, look for the Class support line in the M-file help for the function. For example, to determine whether the function mean accepts single-precision inputs, type

The Class support line is

which tells you that mean does accept single-precision inputs.

New Vendor BLAS Used for Linear Algebra in MATLAB

MATLAB uses Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) for its vector inner product, matrix-vector product, matrix-matrix product, and triangular solvers in \. MATLAB also uses BLAS behind its core numerical linear algebra routines from Linear Algebra Package (LAPACK), which are used in functions like chol, lu, qr, and within the linear system solver \.

On some platforms, MATLAB continues to use ATLAS BLAS.

Starting in Release 14, MATLAB 7.0 uses vendor BLAS from the vecLib library on the Mac.

Starting in Release 14 with Service Pack 1, MATLAB 7.0.1 uses vendor BLAS from

Overriding the Default BLAS Library on Sun/Solaris Systems

MATLAB uses the Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) libraries to speed up matrix multiplication and LAPACK-based functions like eig, svd, and \ (mldivide). At start-up, MATLAB selects the BLAS library to use.

For Release 14 with Service Pack 1, MATLAB still uses the ATLAS BLAS libraries on the Sun Microsystems Solaris Operating System. However, you can switch the BLAS library that MATLAB uses to the Sun Performance Library (Sunperf) BLAS, provided by Sun Microsystems.

If you want to take advantage of the potential performance enhancements provided by the Sun BLAS, you can set the value of the environment variable BLAS_VERSION to the name of the Sun Performance Library, MATLAB uses the BLAS specified by this environment variable, if it exists.

To set the BLAS_VERSION environment variable, enter the following command at the at the UNIX prompt.

Then start MATLAB as usual.

To get visual feedback that the BLAS version has changed, also type at the UNIX prompt

before starting MATLAB. This will display diagnostic information while MATLAB is starting up, for example:

FDLIBM Version Upgraded

In Release 14, MATLAB used FDLIBM Version 5.2. In R14sp1, MATLAB has been upgraded to use FDLIBM Version 5.3.

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