Image Processing Toolbox User's Guide Previous page   Next Page

Example 2 -- Advanced Topics

This example introduces some advanced image processing concepts. The example calculates statistics about objects in the image but, before it performs these calculations, it preprocesses the image to achieve better results. The preprocessing involves creating a uniform background in the image and converting the image into a binary image. The example breaks this process into the following steps:

Step 1:
Read and display an image
Step 2:
Estimate the approximate value of background pixels
Step 3:
View the background approximation as a surface
Step 4:
Create an image with a uniform background
Step 5:
Adjust the contrast in the uniform image
Step 6:
Create a binary version of the image
Step 7:
Determine the number of objects in the image
Step 8:
Examine the label matrix
Step 9:
Display the label matrix as a pseudocolor indexed image
Step 10:
Measure properties of objects in the image
Step 11:
Compute statistics of objects in the image

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